

#bitcoin #mask #arbitrum #sui

Earning Free OP Tokens

Earning Free OP Tokens is very easy.


  • Optimism chain (some eth and almost 60 usdt)
  • Gitcoin passport score over 17 points (check)

We will make the tokens we will earn here on the Shapeshift, which is one of the projects that received the Op grant. More than 18 Op tokens can be earned by doing these tasks.

1 - Let's connect our accounts for tasks.

2 - 3 and 6 op reward missions are easy and inexpensive to complete. Ekran Resmi 2023-07-13 21.17.22

3 - trading for $ 50, we complete the task with 3 op rewards. (approval time 1 week)
Ekran Resmi 2023-07-13 21.19.43

4 - Let's complete the task by token bridge from 5 networks to op networks
Ekran Resmi 2023-07-13 21.22.25

valid 5 networks

Ekran Resmi 2023-07-13 21.24.25

The approved task will appear as follows.

Ekran Resmi 2023-07-13 21.25.36

You can also complete other missions.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.